1 Meeting Mr. Herbert Dorfmann member of the EU Parliament. Rauscedo 20 May 2024.
On 20 May in Rauscedo on the premises of Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo, Mr. Herbert Dorfmann met the two Italian associations of nurserymen and the IRV-CIP President Mr. Franz Backnnecht.
The meeting was also attended by Mr. Yuri Zambon (Director of Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo), Mr. Colla Claudio (President of MIVA), Mrs. Marta Colautti (Secretary of the Associazione Vivaisti Viticoli del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Mr. Mario Pecile (Secretary of IRV-CIP) and Mr. Mauro Agosti (secretary of Mr. Dorfmann).
Mr. Dorfmann is the rapporteur for the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the EU Parliament on the proposal for EU Regulation on the production and marketing of plant reproductive material in the Union.
The meeting was focused on the discussion of the following topics that concern the nurserymen activity:
a) Amendment to EU Reg. 2031/2016 and 2072/2019 concerning RNQPs (harmful organisms to be controlled on the propagating material of vine on market). Currently such regulations envisage the zero percent threshold of such harmful organism for the propagating material while the EC Dir. 2020/177 says that the evaluation of the occurrence of the same RNQPs is based on the presence of symptoms. Therefore there is the need of harmonizing the EU legislation for preventing misunderstandings during the official control activities and for ensuring homogeneous rules in all Countries. There is also the risk that standard category material of very local varieties may non reach the 0% threshold of RNQPs and therefore cannot be marketed. Hence the possibility of reducing biodiversity. So the Nurserymen ask for revising the EU Regulation 2072/2019 by the means of the EU Regulation on plant reproductive material under discussion.
b) FD (Flavescence dorèe) need to support research for looking for new and effective tools for contrasting such disease. Plant protection products are continuously withdrawn from the market and Hot Water Treatment, due to its side effects and doubtful sustainability, cannot be deemed the only tool left.
c) PPP (Plant Protection Products). EU legislation on phytosanitary requirements of the propagating material envisages compulsory fight against quarantine and non quarantine (RNQPs) harmful organisms. The most efficient tools are the Plant Protection Products. But by other EU provisions every year some products for plant protection are withdrawn from the market. So the nurserymen are left without effective weapons for fighting harmful organisms they are obliged to contrast. The EU Regulation on reduction PPP by 50% by 2030 should take into consideration such situation. Mr. Dorfmann says that a new proposal from the EU Commission on reduction of PPP, replacing the one blocked by the EU Parliament, is not expected in a short time. Nurserymen suggest that an effective product should be withdrawn from the market when another active principle with the same efficacy is made available. They ask for derogation to use the needed active principles on the basis of the limited acreage devoted to vine propagation and because vine plant is not edible. About this item, Mr. Dorfmann says that it is very difficult to obtain derogations to use of plant protection products from the EU Commission. The national derogations remains the only way left.
d) EU Common Catalogue of vine varieties. Current version is not updated and lacks of important information for the marketing like the variety synonims.
Mr. Dorfmann informs that on September the trilogue, meeting among the EU Commission, Parliament and Coucil, will take place for reaching the final revision of the proposal for the EU Regulation on the reproductive material.
On that occasion comments and suggestions by nurserymen can be accepted and if supported by the Ministries they will be taken in due consideration. Personally he is available to listen to the proposal of nurserymen and cooperate for their achievement.
President Backknecht ends the meeting thanking Mr. Dorfmann for his attendance and ensuring the support and help of IRV-CIP and its associates