On October 30th and 31st, the meetings of the Steering Board and the General Assembly were held in Santorini (GR) respectively.During the General Assembly, the Steering Board was renewed and Pierre-Marie Guillaume was appointed President for the three-year period 2024-27.
Santorini: Steering Board and General Assembly Meetings
2024 STEERING BOARD AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETINGS - SANTORINI (GR)30 AND 31 October 2024Welcome greetings and presentation of the Santoriniisland territory▪ Welcome from the president of Union of Greece and from representative ofUnion of wineries of Santorini (Owner of Estate Argyros)▪ Historical presentation of creation of the form of the...
General Assembly IRV-CIP 2023
In Cison di Valmarino - Hotel Castelbrando (TV- Italy) on October 26 the meetings of the Steering Board and the General Assembly took place. In the reserved area you may find the the reports of the meetings.
General Assembly 2023: final information
General Assembly 2023: CISON di VALMARINO - Castelbrando (TV) – ITALY on 26 OCTOBER Further information may be found under the reserved are - Partner Meeting and Board meeting. MORE INFORMATION
EU project “HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01-14: Biodiversity friendly practices in agriculture – breeding for Integrated Pest Management (IPM)”
IRV-CIP participate to the EU project “HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01-14: Biodiversity friendly practices in agriculture – breeding for Integrated Pest Management (IPM)” (Acronim: FRUITFULLY) that will participate to a tender and the hope is that the project be the winner. The project can improve the information on the behaviour of the so called...