Détails de contact Federal Institut and Research Center of Viticolture and Pomology Address: Wienerstrasse 74 Klosterneuburg (Autriche)www.weinobstklosterneuburg.at IRV-CIP SIEGE Federal Institut and Research Center of Viticolture and Pomology WIENERSTRASSE 74 3400 KLOSTERNEUBURG AUTRICHE office@irv-cip.org SECRÉTARIAT GÉNÉRAL Research Centre for Viticulture and Enology(CREA VE) VIA XXVIII APRILE 26 33015 CONEGLIANO (TV) ITALIE +39 3389909471 secretariat@irv-cip.com LEGAL STATUSRULESCOOKIE POLICY PRIVACYINFORMATION GDPR 2016 ZONE RÉSERVÉE LOGIN